Dream Archive Remodel – Summer Camp
This long-awaited remodel was one of two projects at our 2019 summer camp. Working in teams, 13 radical teens and a mighty group of volunteer mentors and builders moved the Dream Archive across the Smoke Farm property. To update the structure, we ripped out old insulation, sifted sand and hay to make earthen plaster, welded metal brackets for a new foundation, hacked out a clearing in the woods, and built a custom stair-step approach to the Dream Archive. We enjoyed hearty food from DJ Chef Tony (a camper from our first ever summer camp in 2010!!) and several rousing games of Mafia by the campfire.
Thanks so much to our campers for sharing a week of summer break to sleep in tents, wake up early, and work with your hands. And to all the wonderful mentors who lent their time and talent: we owe you big! If you’d like to hear one mentor’s experience, check out Rachel Wagner’s lovely blog post – [click here].