Board of Directors

Ann Lin, President

  • Principal at Seneca Group, with twenty years’ experience in real estate development and ten years as architect, Ann holds her BA/MArch from Harvard. With extensive volunteer experience for ULI Northwest, Ann brings a multidisciplinary approach and strategic expertise in real estate to the team.


Helen Ngo, Treasurer

  • Sawhorse alumnus and data scientist extraordinaire, Helen brings her experience in nonprofit fundraising and data evaluation to the Board of Directors, after attending Sawhorse Summer Camp in 2013 and volunteering for years afterwards. Helen is in Data Analysis for Alaska Airlines


Plamena Milusheva, Secretary

  • Holding degrees in Architecture and Design, and with experience in innovating research and teaching with innovative materials, Plamena is also a long-term design mentor with Sawhorse.


Andrew Marsters, President

  • M.S. in Construction Management from the University of Washington. A former project engineer with Sabey Corporation and B.N.Builders, Andrew now works as a founder of Bower Builders LLC; he has been part of Sawhorse Revolution as a  co-founder, builder, and volunteer since day one.


Nicole Klein    

  • Director of Development for the Division of Student Life at the University of Washington; lead the fundraising for the $19M+ capital campaign for the historic ASUW Shell House; proud Univ of Oregon alumna with BA in Art History/Pol Sci and MA in Museum Studies. Excited to help expand the reach of Sawhorse students and projects!


Carolanne Sanders Lundgren

  • 10+ years in community health policy and practice, degrees in anthropology and community-oriented public health from Vanderbilt and UW, self-taught metalsmith. Carolanne brings a passion for cross pollinating relationships and ideas and is here to help build a world rooted in creativity, collaboration and ecological care.